Friday, June 12, 2009


It’s Friday! Finally! Thank goodness for that. This week has flown by, as I have been positively SWAMPED. No time for updates. My “to do” lists runneth over. I’m thinking I need a personal assistant. Unfortunately, I am a hoarder when it comes to my hard-earned money. I will take the insanity so I don’t have to give up the cash. Priorities.

Here’s some randomness for your Friday afternoon:

1. Thanks to “the grandparents” for the birthday money!! (Gotta love them!) I spent most of it at Sephora and Barnes and New books are on the way (woot!). My “to be read” stack is piling up. (And here I was annoyed last week because I missed so many great ARC’s at BEA. Still sorry I missed them, but I don’t know when I’d have time to read them . . . and yet I seem to make it.) Again: Priorities.

Enough of that.

2. Great news for me! I’m teaching a few American Lit classes this fall! Woot! Don’t get me wrong, I love my Comp classes: researching, writing papers . . . it’s all good, but I adore literature and discussing it with like-minded individuals. This will definitely be a breath of fresh air. I’m *so* excited!

My fall calendar has exploded, though, and my personal calendar (on the computer) barely has room for any new classes. Oh well. It’s literature, people. In the words of the fabulous Tim Gunn: Make it Work!

3. Speaking of which, I’m elated to see that a new season of Project Runway is up soon. I know it has switched channels (from Bravo to Lifetime?) so we’ll see what kind of changes are implemented. I did pass Bryant Park when I was in NYC, though!

4. Speaking of NYC, I still have to blog about what a fabulous time I had, and how I saw Prince Harry. Can’t we switch to a 25 hour day?

5. My brain is fried. I’m officially done for the weekend. Am off to enjoy the fam, forget the classroom, and maybe find a few extra hours to read and write.

I need a snack.

OMG it is almost dinnertime!!! Where have I been???

Have a great weekend!



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