Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Five: Birthday Edition

1. I turn 28 on Saturday. I feel every bit of 17, which goes to prove that age is just a number. I’m especially honored to have a birthday sandwiched between a couple of YA greats: Melissa Walker (Violet on the Runway) has a birthday today, and Sarah Dessen turns 40 on Sunday. It’s a great weekend for us YA Geminis—here’s hoping that some of their greatness rubs off on me!

2. I went to see Shrek 4 yesterday, which was really good. I perked up every time this one ogre came on screen, though, and couldn’t figure out why I was so intrigued by this hairy, green monster. At one point he said something, and I thought “Wow. What is up with this ogre?” Turns out the ogre’s voice was Jon Hamm. Score One for Don Draper. Apparently it’s not just your dashing good looks that leave me wanting more. You could be a bald, fat, green man and I’d still sigh every time you spoke.

3. Speaking of Don Draper, I’m excited about the new season of Mad Men in July. Kinda miffed that they made us wait an entire year for it. Also on my agenda for the summer: Annie (The Musical) in Raleigh, Michael Buble in Raleigh, Norah Jones in Durham. Toss in a stack of books to be read, movies to catch up on, the pool, a new ms to start working on, and chauffeuring the baby girl to gymnastics and art camp, and it looks like my summer is set.

4. If you haven’t visited lately . . . don’t. Because it’s not there. Long story short: I designed the website myself using Sprout, and when it went to a paid service earlier this year, they dropped those of us who weren’t interested in paying for the services we got for free. Especially not when there’s a site that’s way cooler than Sprout ( that lets you design even better flash sites. All this really means is that I’m working on something new and will have the site live again soon.

What this also means is that, because it’s ten times more awesome than Sprout, and because I’m now working on a new project, that they’ll turn to a subscription-based site, too. In this case, though, I would be willing to pay for it, because it’s *that* cool.

5. I’ve been staring at this space for five minutes, trying to think of a five. I am clearly out of things to say. A shock to those who know me, I assure you.
I hope you have a Fabulous Weekend!



1 comment:

Melissa Walker said...

Aw, thanks, Leigh! Happy Birthday!!