Monday, May 11, 2009

Tour Posts

I should’ve posted this yesterday, but here is my blog tour schedule for the week:

Week of May 10-May 16

5/10 Jackson Pearce

(A book I feel weird about loving)

5/11 J.E. Macleod

(Embarrassing moment alert!)

5/12 Stacey Jay

(If someone in One Wish had to die. . . .)

5/13 Erin Dionne

(Jack Frost or Jack Sprat?)

5/14 Cynthia Liu

(A phrase in One Wish you’ll never read anywhere else)

5/15 Jenny Moss

(My favorite book character!)

5/16 Sarah MacLean

(An interview with Wrenn!)

Also: a huge thank you to Holly for the fabulous review of One Wish! (Interview included!)

FYI: Since I got my first hardcover on Friday, it’s safe to say that the books are ready. This means Amazon will start filling orders v. soon (and One Wish will no longer be listed as “out of stock”). Stick tight!

Again, I apologize for the weird formatting. I like spaces between lines, and blogger isn't letting me do it anymore. What is up with this?

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