Monday, June 8, 2009

Sarah Cross is Here!

Hi Everyone! Today I’m welcoming Sarah Cross to the blog! Sarah is celebrating the debut of her novel, DULL BOY.

About Dull Boy

Superpowers are awesome -- unless you actually have them, like Avery does. There's only so much he can pass off as "adrenaline" before people start to get suspicious. Probably it's best to lie low, so guys in white lab coats don't come to carry him away, to find out what makes his freakish body tick. Who wants to be vivisected? But flying under the radar becomes a whole lot harder when you can actually fly. It's dangerous to be different, so for now he'll pretend to be normal, unremarkable Avery -- a dull boy -- anything to keep his secret safe.

What he doesn't expect is the horrifying truth about where his powers came from, who else might have them, and the madness of one villain's plan to turn this superpowered dull boy into something even more powerful and amazing.

About Sarah Cross

Sarah Cross has saved the world, like, five times since fifth grade -- and you didn't even notice. Learn her secrets at

On to the Interview!

Me: Without giving away too many spoilers, what is your favorite part of the novel/what was the part you had the most fun writing?

Sarah: There are some crazy, wacky scenes that had me giggling at my keyboard. Those were probably the most fun to write. :)

Me: What kind of writing projects are you currently working on? Or, if you aren't working on anything new, is there a different demographic/genre you wouldn't mind tackling in the future?

Sarah: More YA fantasy. Although I intend to write a middle grade eventually!

Me: Who is your writing hero and why?

Sarah: Every writer who keeps striving to be better is my hero. That's how good books get made.


You can visit Sarah at her home on the web:

DULL BOY is officially on sale. You can buy it here:

And finally: Sarah will be chatting with Sydney tomorrow at:

Thank you so much for stopping by, Sarah! J

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